The Lean start-up achieves success through experimentation
and Experimentation involves following a set of processes. With an output
focused mindset, the processes seem cumbersome, over the top and a waste of
time. When you think you already know what will lead to your desired outcome,
experimentation seems wasteful. Just going through the motions of running an
experiment won’t aid your learning and will just slow you down; so the
experimentation is wasteful thinking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This
is something that we need to flip on its head for the Lean Start-up to have a
chance of success. It is with a “Learning will lead to Outcomes” mindset that
the value of those processes becomes clear.
We can start by promoting belief in the idea that
experimentation leads to learning, which leads to outcomes and outcomes are
more valuable than outputs. As people increase their belief in experimentation
they tend to practice experimentation more rigorously and more frequently. This
tends them towards perfect practice, which leads to their experiments
generating more knowledge. As they gather more knowledge from their experiments
they gain clarity around which outputs are more likely to lead to outcomes.
With that clarity they can focus in on a smaller set of outputs with a good
chance of producing a positive outcome. The effort saved can either be put
towards working on other outputs with a good chance of success or entirely
different endeavours. Either way those that apply experimentation
appropriately, learn more and importantly deliver improved outcomes.